

The Web Services provides user authentication thanks to OAuth2.

We provide an official implementation for PHP: https://github.com/maniaplanet/oauth2-maniaplanet

Auth code flow (or explicit flow, or server side flow)

  1. Redirect the user to https://prod.live.maniaplanet.com/login/oauth2/authorize with the query parameters:
    • response_type: the value code
    • client_id
    • scope: space separated list of scopes
    • redirect_uri: one the of the redirect URI mentioned in your Web Services application
    • state: a non predictable random string. You should store this value and check if the same is returned at other stages.
  2. The use authorize your application, they are redirected to the redirect_uri with the query parameters:
    • code
    • state: the state you provided at stage 1
  3. Your application should send the POST request to https://prod.live.maniaplanet.com/login/oauth2/access_token with the parameters:
    • grant_type the value authorization_code
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • code: from stage 2
    • redirect_uri: from stage 1

The answer will contain the keys:

  • token_type: the value Bearer
  • expires_in: an integer representing the TTL of the access token
  • access_token: the access token
  • refresh_token: the refresh token

Refresh token flow

  1. Send a POST request to https://prod.live.maniaplanet.com/login/oauth2/access_token with the parameters:

    • grant_type: the value refresh_token
    • refresh_token: a refresh token
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • scope: a list of space separated scopes

    The answer contains:

    • token_type: the value Bearer
    • expires_in: an integer representing the TTL of the access token
    • access_token: the access token
    • refresh_token: the refresh token

Implicit flow

To be used with user-agent-based clients that cannot keeps a secret.

  1. Redirect the user to https://prod.live.maniaplanet.com/login/oauth2/authorize with the query parameters:
    • response_type: the value token
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • redirect_uri: one the of the redirect URI mentionned in your Web Services application
    • scope: a space separated list of scopes
    • state
  2. The user approves, they are redirected to the redirect_uri with the following parameters in the query string:
    • token_type: the value Bearer
    • expires_in: an integer representing the TTL of the access token
    • access_token: the access token

Client crendentials

It should be used for machine to machine authentication.

  1. Send a POST request to https://prod.live.maniaplanet.com/login/oauth2/access_token with the parameters:
    • grant_type: the value client_credentials
    • refresh_token: a refresh token
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • scope: a list of space separated scopes

The answer contains:

  • token_type: the value Bearer
  • expires_in: an integer representing the TTL of the access token
  • access_token: the access token


The available scopes are:

  • basic: access to basic user information login, nickname and zone path.
  • dedicated: access to the list of dedicated servers of the player
  • titles: access to the list of titles created by the player
  • events: access to the list of events of the player
  • maps: access to the maps of the player
  • email: access to the player email