Specifying parameters for a player - Shootmania

It's possible to customize the parameters of a player when you spawn them (or while they play but let's assume the first situation).

Instead of calling the function SM::SpawnPlayer(_Player, 0, MapLandmarks_PlayerSpawn[SpawnId]);, we'll create our own function to call to spawn of player.

Void VSpawnPlayer(CSmPlayer _Player) {
    _Player.ArmorMax        = 400;                       // 100 per hit point on the interface
    _Player.Armor           = _Player.ArmorMax;
    _Player.ArmorGain       = 0;
    _Player.AmmoGain        = 1.;
    _Player.AmmoPower       = 1.;
    _Player.SpeedPower      = 1.;
    _Player.IsHighlighted   = True;
    _Player.StaminaMax      = 1.;
    _Player.StaminaGain     = 1.;
    _Player.StaminaPower    = 1.;
    SetPlayerWeapon(_Player, CSmMode::EWeapon::Rocket, False);
    SM::SpawnPlayer(_Player, 0, MapLandmarks_PlayerSpawn[0].PlayerSpawn, Now + 50);
    SetPlayerAmmoMax(_Player, CSmMode::EWeapon::Rocket, 4);
    SetPlayerAmmo(_Player, CSmMode::EWeapon::Rocket, 4);

All the usable parameters are listed in the CSmPlayer class (check the technical documentation about it).

Several parameters will refuse 0.0 as value. Also, a max value can exist for a parameter.